Floral Fancies Embroidery Course Reviews
“I loved everything about this course! I was excited to try something new and Rebecca’s Floral Fancies course well and truly exceeded my expectations. I learned new techniques that extended by practice as well as enjoying the opportunity to learn from others. Rebecca added so much value to an already inspiring course with her personal feedback and her references to wonderful artists. Because of the time difference in Australia, I was getting up at 1.30 am to participate in the live sessions rather than waiting for the recorded version. Because I loved the sessions so much, I didn’t once decide to skip the live session, which says it all about the pleasure I got from this fantastic course. I look forward to doing more of Rebecca’s courses”
-Sue, Australia
“Floral Fancies was an outstanding class! The techniques I learned regarding developing a pattern, selecting a palette of colors, and incorporating embroidery stitches was wonderful and very doable for a novice like me. Rebecca taught us how to look at fabric as art to develop, and not just something to sew. I will never look at fabric the same way! Thank you Rebecca for an informative and a delightful class.”
- Kim, USA
“It is without doubt my favourite course so far (Stitches and Stanzas took some beating)! It was well paced and challenging. It unfolded sequentially. I liked homework / assignments in between sessions as it kept me on track. Sending in our own work and that being shared with the group is a real strength as it makes you up your game. I learned a lot from other people’s perspective and suggestions. It was inspiring and motivating. Most of all it made me see embroidery from a totally new perspective. It has fired my imagination and inspired new ideas and projects.”
- Janice, UK
“The Floral Fancies class was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Rebecca’s expertise and knowledgable instruction of colour and intricate stitching offered individualised inspiration and guidance to each member of the group. She had quite specific suggestions for improvement, which helped to advance the level of the craftsmanship accomplished to exceed expectations! In addition, Rebecca provided fascinating glimpses into historical and contemporary needlework, which further enhanced the enjoyment each lesson. Would highly recommend Rebecca’s lessons…and look forward to her next course! "
-Liz, UK
“First of all I want to thank you for your feedback and this amazing class. It was such a pleasure to be with you and all the other wonderful ladies! In addition to learning techniques, your stories and background knowledge made this class so fascinating. The most interesting thing for me was the colour theory and the compositional considerations about how ‘the eye is guided’. I now feel that I have a tool, to design a project with all the little details that make the design exciting. Thank you so much Rebecca for sharing all these wonderful things with us. I'm looking forward to what comes next!”
“I absolutely enjoyed your Floral Fancies course. I liked having the homework and then your presentation updates on everyone’s projects each week. It was so inspiring with your input and all the class participants’ comments. It turned out to be a teaching in textiles, the art of embroidery and individual creativity. Excellent format I thought and I’ve taken several of your classes. ”
- Claire, USA